Nollywood actor, Alexx Ekubo has made a heartfelt plea to President Bola Tinubu and other leaders to address the country’s worsening economic crisis. On August 9, 2024, the actor took to Instagram and posted a video containing pictures he took with children in Kaduna State on the set of the movie, ‘Almajiri’ in the year 2021. In his caption, he penned a detailed piece, pleading with President Tinubu and other leaders to fix the economic crises in Nigeria.
He wrote; “I took this photo on the 23rd of February 2021 in Kaduna while filming #Almajiri. It’s crazy how bad things were then or so we thought, things are bad now, like really really bad right now, it’s awful. For the love of God, can our leaders please act right and come through for us one time, this one time please?” Ekubo reflected on the economic hardships faced by Nigerians and emphasised the dire state of the economy. He wrote, “For those that are new to what’s going on, Nigeria is currently undergoing the worst economic downturn, and inflation is at its highest point in over 30 years, as a result, there is so much hunger in the land.”
“All we are asking for is a better standard of living; we just want to eat and get from point A to point B at an affordable and reasonable price; we don’t care who or what is ruling over whom. We need help and we need it now. We have gone from sitting to dancing on a keg of gunpowder,” the actor said. He expressed deep frustration and urgency, addressing President Tinubu directly, urging immediate action. “I spoke to a close friend yesterday and she asked me “So what are the immediate solutions” Not later, but now now now! Well! We are asking for a drastic reduction in electricity tariffs, and fuel prices. “Among other things, a reduction of the foreign exchange rate to the Naira. These factors affect the average Nigerian drastically and impact greatly on our day-today activity,” said the actor.
He pleaded, “Please, Mr. President, do something, this is the one time you can write your name in the sands of time. Please, I am begging, they are begging, we are all begging. I guess what the kids in the photo and I are trying to say is, if you’re not going to give us a chance to lead, then lead us well,” he said.