New Telegraph

WCD: Cancer Not Spiritual Problem –Group

A group, the Coalition Against Cancer in Bayelsa State (CACIBS) insists cancer is not a spiritual problem but it is a disease that can be cured if detected early.

In an event to mark this year’s World Cancer Day in Yenagoa yesterday, the group also said cancer is real. The Ministry of Health Desk Officer, Non-Communicable Diseases, Toboulayefa Stella Awudu said: “Today’s world cancer day theme is united by unique.

People who have cancer have unique ways of manifestation, their experiences are different. “No two persons with cancer have the same way of treatment or diagnosis.

“We are sensitizing the public today telling Bayelsans that cancer is real and it is not a spiritual problem.

“Cancer when it is dictated early, can be cured and we have many ways of diagnosing cancer, through biopsy, surgery, through medication called chemotherapy and radiotherapy which uses light.

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