Nigeria’s first ever online application portal for international passports will be launched today by Interior Minister, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo in Abuja. The minister held a demonstration session of the online portal on Friday with the Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service, Mrs Caroline Wura-Ola Adepoju. Also in attendance at the demo session were other key stakeholders and development partners.
The session availed the opportunity to present and critically assess the automated passport application process; while constructive criticism was also entertained to ensure enhancement and improvement of the system. The online passport application portal has been developed for applicants from Nigeria and those from abroad. The passports are in two categories for both Nigerian and diaspora applicants. Nigerian applicants that desire passports with five years validity and 32 pages are to pay N25, 000, while those that prefer the 10-year validity and 64 pages are to pay N70,000.
Meanwhile, overseas applicants that desire passports with five years validity, 32 pages are to pay $130, while applicants with preference for passports with 10 years validity, 64 pages are to pay $230. Applications are to be made on https//passport. immigration. gov. ng