Journey of the Beats, a documentary series that follows the journey of Nigerian and Black Music through the years will premiere on Showmax on June 23. The 10 part documentary series is produced by creative entrepreneur and founder of Storm Records, Obi Asika. The documentary series tells the important story about how this generation of Nigerian artistes found their confidence and identity through music and how it enabled the enormous growth of youth culture in Nigeria, Africa and the world. It tells a story of a music industry that has unlocked a global movement from small independent labels and promoters in Lagos to the global, producing billions of streams, hits, and fans.
Featured in the documentary series are some of Nigeria’s biggest and legendary artistes such as 2Baba, P-Square, Onyeka Onwenu, Daddy Showkey, Flavour, and D’banj. According to Asika: “The show came about from conversations with collaborators over the years and the need to document the journey of our music, to celebrate those who made it happen and share their stories.
‘‘It is incredible that people are going to watch this brilliant piece of work as it educates, empowers and enables more people to engage the industry and see the breadth, reach, and power of our music. I am hopeful the impact is wider than the music industry as our music affects fashion, dance, lifestyle, movies, and entertainment as well.” Obi has been involved in the growth of Nigeria’s music industry over the years as the founder of an indigenous music label that spawned entertainers, such a s Naeto C, Ikechukwu, and Yung 6ix to stardom. Showmax Head of Content, Candice Fangueiro, added that: “The growth of Afrobeats cannot be overstated and we feel privileged as a platform to s h o w c a s e and tell the story behind its evolution.”