New Telegraph

Sabiman Scheme: Testament to GOtv’s impact

Unemployment is a perennial economic problem in Nigeria, showing a consistent upward trend. According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate was estimated to be 33% in the fourth quarter of 2020, and it is anticipated that the figures have continued to rise since the last report.

The challenge is compounded by the challenging economic conditions that businesses currently face. For example, organisations have to deal with high cost of energy, volatile exchange rates, economic instability, and limited access to credit financing, among others.

In view of these challenges, companies have found it difficult to survive. Some have permanently closed their businesses, while others have had to divest or resort to workforce reductions to survive. The consequence of this phenomenon is the significant rise in the number of unemployed or underemployed individuals in Nigeria.

Amid these difficulties, a few companies have successfully navigated the challenges to keep unemployment at bay. One of such companies is GOtv Nigeria, Nigeria’s leading Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) service provider and a subsidiary of MultiChoice Nigeria, with its many projects and initiatives that continue to benefit many Nigerians.

One of these initiatives that distinctly stands out in addressing unemployment by creating widespread job opportunities for young Nigerians across various geo-political zones is the GOtv Sabiman initiative. Without a doubt, the initiative has proven to be a masterstroke.

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