The inauguration of the new administration is close, what is your message to the President-elect?
The President-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, will be sworn in as the next President of Nigeria, fine. It is important for him to sit down and begin to trace the problem of Nigeria, beyond political, beyond economic, beyond rivalries and all of that, to spiritual. Visit it spiritually, and it’s important to seek what the kingdom of God we preach has to offer because it’s about rulership. I’m talking about the dominance of Satan the Devil, as I say, he should trace it beyond the material or beyond the political economy, look at the spiritual angle to it. That’s very serious, because no matter how wise humans are, no matter how much efforts are put in place, unless God watches over the city, they labour in vain that built it. I think it is a message to them to seek God.
Earlier in your sermon, you spoke about the final agenda; can you give further explanation on that?
Well, precisely we are talking about the situation of our world here, that is man’s and we don’t have a different planet. The earth is the planet that is given to the sons of man to manage. Now talking about what happened who allowed the Devil intruding into our world; and in that ex- position I was discussing primarily that it is man that actually allowed the devil to get in. So, what I was talking about is the compromise of patrons or compatriots. Without man compromising, the Devil wouldn’t have penetrated human lives and activities.
How do you relate this to the current situation in Nigeria?
If you heard clearly, I was talking about the activities of Satan in the world and the plan of God to end it. So, that plan is what God has started. We’re talking about the beginning of the end. I was talking about the final offensive. I’m not saying that the devil is out of our world, but that God has started to end his reign, and end his rule. Now talking about the situation of the world, Nigeria as it relates to God’s plan, you know, whatever suffering that we have in Nigeria, is not the same thing physically in other nations. In Nigeria, it means that if Nigerians are suffering, and in another country, they are not suffering. Does it mean that the devil is not there? No. But what we’re saying is that with the situation of Nigeria, for example, or the majority of citizens of the world is activities of the devil, and God has a plan to end it.
Talking about the final agenda or offensive, what is God’s plan?
The Devil has been having a field day. He has been making strides, giant leap in human’s world and we all can see this. Now we started talking about the agenda of the kingdom of God and God started rebuilding this clearly in the book of Daniel. That is very clear about the agenda of God setting up the kingdom of the earth. But we need to understand the power of that kingdom. In that message I was also sharing how God has been demonstrating the importance of his kingdom, the supremacy of his kingdom over that of the Devil.
These days, many people tend not to really have much regard for some preachers, what is the message to preachers who have compromised?
It’s not surprising because from this revelation, you have seen the beast is struggling against the saints of God. That’s easy. Most people that claim to be children of God or men of God, most of them actually probably started well, but along the line, there was a compromise. I’m not judging anyone but everybody sees what is happening in our world. So that’s what I was talking about compromise and giving in to the Devil. The devil initiates most trials in our world, but that does not mean that God is losing in heaven. So, in our world, people are compromising, men of God, religious leaders and all. But God’s agenda is still standing to end the reign of Satan.
What then is the implication on the church?
If we are preaching that the reign of God has come, if we are preaching the kingdom of God has come – is for them to accept the gospel and partner and be part of this gospel of the established kingdom. The Church of Jesus is great. I have said it. You know the Devil cannot prevail against the church because the Bible told us that the gates of hell will not prevail and the Devil needed to fight the church because the kingdom will come to be, and the reign of the prophecy will be fulfilled with the instrumentality of the church itself. If the church has failed, it means that maybe it will delay more, because God cannot fail.
So, it is for them to join force with the kingdom that has come on earth and maybe I would say if they are to hear, our doors are open, irrespective of your religion or faith because people are so religious; men are religious minded with the talk of ‘I have my church, my faith’ but you know, the deceit in the world. Many people are losing their faith in God, because of the failures of these religious leaders, but telling the world that salvation and the kingdom of God is here, even if only they can believe and come and join the kingdom of heaven.