Talented Nollywood screen diva and social media influencer, Etinosa Idemudia, is one filmmaker whose acting prowess and doggedness have brought her this far in the industry. The graduate of Computer Engineering from the Covenant University went into acting full-time shortly after obtaining a Diploma in Performing Arts from the Royal Arts Academy. In this interview with MUTIAT LAWORE, she spoke on her New Year plans, career, how rewarding the industry is among others. Excerpts:
What does the New Year hold for Etinosa?
Oh, so much planned for the year. More TV films definitely. Focusing more on my YouTube channel ETINOSA TV as I have seen it’s such an easy and rewarding way to connect with my audience globally. Most importantly, I will be releasing a movie on my YouTube Channel which tells a part of my life story; I looked for a child for seven years, before God answered me. The movie titled, When Tables Turn is dedicated to women seeking the fruit of the womb. In my channel, you will see a lot of well-designed movies that you and your family can relate to and cause a positive change. Movies with deep moral lessons.
How did you spend your Christmas holidays?
I had visitors over, we had food, drinks and karaoke in house.
How have you been able to combine being a computer engineer and acting?
I have tilted more to procurement engineering than computer engineering. I am able to multi- task because as an actor I am in control of my schedule, so I map out days when I am required as an engineer, and when I am required as an actor and of course when I am required as a mother and managing each profession nicely, taking life a step at a time and mastering time management.
What has been your experience in the industry over the years?
Film making for me is a gospel path. Both producing, directing or acting. Whichever hat I wear I do so as a minister. My films always minister to my au- dience. I believe this is my calling. There must be a meaningful message in my films otherwise you can never see me there. It has been a great journey of lessons and satisfaction doing what I love so much, constantly working on myself and giving my best in every case.
You produced Dear Sister. Is it your debut? What was the experience like?
Before Dear Sister was produced for the cinema, my debut was The Washer- man which was a box office hit as at 2018. I first premiered Dear Sister in London in 2022 and the feedback from viewers was so rewarding. It’s so beautiful to create something and have the audience for whom it was created truly appreciate it. Premiering in Nigeria was amazing. My works speak for themselves. What I am happy the most about my films is that it always speaks to my audience. Always relatable.
Your role in ‘Blood of Enogie’ also made you stand out. Share with us your experience playing Akugbe?
Playing a bitter soul and a witch for three months of my life was not an easy feat. Queen Akugbe was vindictive, possessive, scheming and everything evil you can think of. At first when I read the script I laughed and said “what! Who is going to play this?” Because in real life I’m a very sweet and playful person which made the role very challenging. But the strength of every actor in becoming a character begins in the mind. I had to switch off every distraction, every doubt and completely immerse myself into the character. No surprise there that the character became the talk of the nation and even in the UK where the show also aired.
I could say the same about ‘Izoduwa’ a movie I played the role of a male king. I was seven months pregnant with all my hormones raging and still perfectly acted as a man. Viewers who saw that Movie said they only knew it was me when I took my mask off. I must also give kudos to the director of Blood of Enogie, Charles Uwagbai. He is an actor’s director and also instrumental in bringing out my inner eitch (laughs).
How rewarding has the industry been for you?
I now own landed properties, cars and healthy investments courtesy of the industry but that’s not the biggest reward. I can say the biggest reward the industry gave me is Etinosa Community-my fans who truly love and consume all my content, they are the real gift God gave me and I don’t take their love or trust in my brand for granted. This is why I take my time, select my projects wisely to give them the best.
What advice do you have for younger people trying to make it in the industry?
The media is a strong tool of communication and we must use it wisely. Also, never get tired of promoting yourself, keep being visible and be prepared for greatness until greatness finds you. You have it in you. You can do it and you will succeed.