New Telegraph

Colourful replacement for ashes

Book title: The Beauty of Bailout
Author: Amos Adesola
Year of publication: 2020
Pagination: 81
Reviewer: Kunnu, Adeniyi Taiwo

It seems interesting how God lives up to his name in every – area of our lives, especially as those created in his image and likeness. From the cycle of birth and death, to re-birth for the sustenance of life, there is definitely a pre-work consciousness by the almighty God to help earth and man sustain its continuance, as life never stops once it begins. The law of re-invigoration and replenishment in nature attest to this reality.

A reference to major seasons or weather patterns is another pre-worked model to create a balance in the cycle of life. In ‘The Beauty of Bailout’ by Pastor Amos Adesola, there is an already made room for man to be redeemed by the Lord, because of the well-designed modus operandi of our God, in providing a redemptive offering to accommodate the stench-filled and sinful life of man. Repentance is fundamental in this powerful documentation, in which the author does a lucid job in creating linear comprehension for those who must understand the simple steps into turning their lives over to God. The core of the introduction does a lot in helping to gain proper insight into the work of the author. From what is deduced, this piece of invaluable information stems from understanding that many people do not quite have a grasp of the basics of man’s redemption in God’s vineyard. There are numerous leanings in terms of turning one’s life over to God and making sure the proper steps are followed in doing same.

This indeed implies that, there are a thousand and one ideas and teachings about repentance, but there could not be many channels to redemption since the ultimate price has been paid by God who sacrificed his son Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary. Pastor Amos Adesola does not preempt readers in this work, neither does he intend to deal with the definition of repentance by thinking his readers already have some levels of knowledge. It was a Socratic expectation, in which everyone is expected to have their minds “tabularasa” as would a pre-teen, so as to maximize the message in written words.

Let us be reminded, that whilst the introduction has dealt with the delirium occasioned by supposedly numerous routes to God, here is an unveiling of what repentance is, the question the comes … what then is repentance? Taking cognizance of the bible as a book of two testaments, Prophets Joel and Ezekiel, as well as a couple of Apostles and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ were referenced. This puts an effective end to the vain babbles of those who prod for nothing and philosophers who query what they lack the spiritual locus to perceive. In reality, it becomes The Beautiful Bailout indeed when chapter two intimates with inherent perils of sin, having first talked about the hope of being properly redeemed. Living dangerously is to be separated from God in all ramifications, although we have learned in the earlier chapter that repentance is both defined and available, but not having knowledge of the consequences of our acts of commission or omission is properly dealt with here. Here, there is an enumeration of seven consequences of sin.

As it is said in local parlance, “I go clear your doubt”, the third chapter does that and focuses on the question: “who needs repentance?” It is important to be reminded, that self-righteousness is as pervasive as could be imagined, and having navigated the first two milestones called chapters, the third, most assuredly has to do with the conviction about the necessity of having the transformative encounter with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

Psalm 51:5 “Behold I was shapen in Iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Every argument falls flat here because “… all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23) This emphasizes the unarguable necessity of accepting one’s unworthiness, while the finished work of grace is The Option, so as restore the shattered bridge of communication between man and God. Emphasis here means that sin must be forsaken completely. Chapters four and five are entirely different gems. In business we usually ask, what is in it for me; whereas in repentance, one could also ask, what are the benefits of having a new relationship with God? The answer makes the tile direct thus: Joy of Repentance. God wouldn’t ask that we come to him and he leaves us with our burden, and that’s the message communicated by the author. Joy is an entry experience when one repents, but of course there are numerous accompaniments all for the benefits of the repented man.

The author however sounds a note of caution to the repented. It’s a new experience; it’s a new relationship; it’s a fresh call to unique and a brand new alliance with God, as such there could be challenges and pitfalls. This accounts for Why Some People Stutter after they have repented of their Sins. This is the title and the focus of the fifth chapter. A child just learning to walk could be bruised, but should the child be discouraged from learning to walk further and even running, not at all. Pastor Amos Adesola has greatly deployed experiential knowledge into this Christian Faction, with the Holy Spirit breathing his every breath into this outstanding material. I must be the first to say, thank you very much sir for the rare privilege of reviewing your work. I am immensely grateful sir. Both works are must read.

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