New Telegraph

Best Low Back Pain and Sciatica Treatment with Dr Allen’s Device

According to a recent study, patients with low back painbetween the ages of 25 and 55 are 95% likely to have herniated discs at the L4-L5 or L5-S1 level. The good news is that low back pain caused by herniated discs can be alleviated naturally with Thermobalancing therapy and innovative Dr Allen’s Device, by means of body’s own heat treatment.

Due to herniated L4-L5 or L5-S1 discs, people can feel tingling, numbness, aching or burning sensations in the buttocks, along the leg and on top of the foot. In severe cases, an L4-L5 slipped disc leads to weakness in the legs or feet, and the inability to walk, leading to the inability to stand. Many people call lower back pain lumbago, which is a non-medical term.


Untreated chronic lumbar spine pain may lead to sciatica over time, as up to 90% of sciatica is caused by a lumbar herniated disc. Sciatica refers to the pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve from the lower back through the thighs down the leg, affecting only one side of your body.


Dr Allen’s Device should be used as first aid for lumbago:


The swelling around a herniated disc causes chronic pain or lumbago, which the easy-to-wear Dr Allen’s Device relieves locally and effectively. The USPTO-patented Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s Device target the trigger of pain and inflammation, namely the local micro-hypothermia in the affected tissues around the spinal damage. By improving capillary blood circulation locally, Dr Allen’s Device reduces the swelling and pressure in the affected area, reducing chronic pain and improving mobility.


Common treatments for lumbago are associated with risks and side effects:


After a hernia of a healthy disc, it will never return to its normal anatomical state; the disease or injury is irreversible. Therefore, a quick fix is not a feasible solution to the problem, and the focus should be on the long-term therapy. It is, therefore, essential to apply a safe and conservative treatment in the first place, that will protect patients from potentially developing additional health problems in the future.


Common lumbago treatments include pain medications, such as opioid drugs, NSAIDs, acetaminophen and anticonvulsants; steroid injections; and spinal surgeries.


Opioid drugs are the most common treatment for lumbago. At the same time, opioid dependence and overdose have skyrocketed in recent times, becoming a fully-fledged public health problem. Therefore, many healthcare professionals believe their use should be limited. In practice, however, opioid drugs are widely used. People with chronic pain who take opioids can start suffering from constipation, nausea, itching, dizziness, and other disturbing side effects.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, and anticonvulsants, also often cause serious side effects and can lead to additional health problems, such as gastroenterological and cardiovascular health conditions.


Overall, drug therapies for low back pain cannot effectively reach the sore area around herniated discs and do not improve the condition around the affected area of the spine.


Epidural “around the spinal cord” steroid injections and various surgeries aimed at relieving low back pain can lead to irreversible complications, so they ought to be used as the last resort. The article titled “Long-term results of lumbar spinal stenosis: the results of eight years of research on the results of a patient’s spinal column” shows the lesser advantages of surgery as a treatment for the spine than therapeutic interventions.


Dr Allen’s Device is a safe and effective back pain treatment:


The innovativeThermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device arethe advancement of anon-invasive medical technology. Dr Allen’s Device is registered with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK, which confirms its safety. Therefore, people can use it feeling assured that this treatment is harmless.The efficacy of Thermobalancing therapy has been confirmed by 12 years of successful application and reliable medical data from clinical studies.


A scientific article, titled the “Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively”, explains that Dr Allen’s Device accumulates the body’s naturally emitted heat, heats up to the optimal level, and continuously maintains the optimal temperature in the affected area of the body, to which it is applied, improving its condition and relieving pain and other troubling symptoms,


By easingback pain without side effects, Dr Allen’s Devicesupports people’s overall health and well-being in the long-term. The other benefit of using Dr Allen’s Device is that ithelps people with chronic back pain to stay away from surgeriesandopioids.


Dr Allen’s Device forlumbago isa helpful innovation during the pandemic:


The at-home use of Dr Allen’s Device and natural Thermobalancing treatment helps to maintain social distancing by avoiding unnecessary hospital visits and therefore minimizing the risks of virus transmission during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s well known that the Covid-19 virus mostly spreads when someone breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, and tiny droplets are released into the air. So, this at-home treatment is a highly helpful healthcare innovation during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Fine Treatment, a specialised British healthcare company,is registered with the UK Department for International Trade and ensures international availability of Dr Allen’s Devices. They’ve madeDr Allen’s Devices a high value for money solution for sciatica and low back pain.


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